6èmeTournoi International de Duel Historique et Combat Scenique de PAvone (Turin-Italie)
De passage
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Poru votre connaissance...et si vous voulez participer S.V.P. moi-contacter danlucca@email.it XV edition FERIE MEDIEVALI 29 - 30 - 31 may / 1 - 2 june 2009 XII Italian National Tournament of Historical Duel May 30/31th 2009 Pavone Canavese (Turin- Italy) VI FUROR ET FERRUM International Tournament of Historical Duel May 31th, 2009 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear old Friends and new Friends of this noble art a new season has come, and here I am really happy to invite all of you to participate to the 6th "FUROR ET FERRUM", the International Tournament of Historical Duel to be held in Pavone, near Turin, in Italy on Sunday 31th of May 2009. Who has already come from every part of Europe (Norway, Czech Republic, Poland, Slowakia, England, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Germany) during the last years, (and it's going to come back this year...) already knows well which qualified, nice and special treatment we give to all of our guests under the beautiful towers of our castle, so here I am to invite you, again or for the first time, in Italy to live this tournament with all of us, exchanging experiences and having fun in an outstanding and passionate atmosphere full of history, skills, talent and friendship. (...and surrounded by good music, almost 1000 re-enactors, more than 30.000 visitors from Northern Italy and enjoying good food and wine...). As last years, and by the rules, the winner and the second classified of the last year Italian tourrnament will participate for Italy to Furor et Ferrum this year. As usual the organization and I will take care of all your needs since now and most of all on site. We provide to our duelists for the global travel expenses "round trip" (including highway tolls) from your National headquarter town plus a kilometric refund as usual for: One 2000 cc unleaded big car (equals two medium gazole cars) or a big gazole van or camper, referring to http://www.viamichelin.co.uk/viamiche ... br/tpl/hme/MaHomePage.htm Train if you don't drive Airplane if you come across the sea Anyway the refunds that you need will be agreed together before and communicated to you by mail and will be given to you at the end of the event on Sunday evening after the trophy ceremony. Usually we give hospitality (food and wine) to one person plus for every single duelists (no more than two couples, for example: from two duelists with two other people, up to four duelists with four other people) but we can settle for special needs or desires, just let me know and I will do what I can ! We try to make everyone happy to come here and sad when he leaves!!! Please don't ask for the Moon, as I prefer Venus...! As every year we offer a green camp in the middle of the historical town center to set your tents and sleeping bag (and near the camp there's a big gym for eventually chilled people and to take a shower). If you desire hotel accomodations (you will pay for it with special discounts) just let me know and I will book it for you. As usual during your stay we offer lunch and dinner with a lot of great Italian food and water...and good wine and ale !!!! (Eight middle age taverns will be open.....!! "In taberna quando sumus...." (Carmina Burana docet...) ;^)) And as usual we love to offer our special hospitality and our smiles !!!! We will be waiting for your arrivals since the first afternoon of Friday 29 of May, on the beginning of the Pavone XV edition of "Feriae Medievali" clou week-end, reminding you of the event's program of that day, that offers a concert of Celtic and traditional music from 21,30 p.m. To 0,30 a.m. with international great musicians. This year we have invited FBA FereBandaAperta from Italy, they play Irish Dance Music plus other wonderful bands. On Saturday (all day and night long) you will have the chance to live the event with all the Italian Academies that will take part to the XII Italian Tournament, and to see and participate (if you desire) to the night shows. And for the musicians (skilled or not) there will be the possibility to take part to a wonderful workshop: Big Scottish bagpipe with the Italian winner of the Glasgow Bagpipe World Contest , the Italian master Alberto Massi, and with the great world known Breton master Bruno Le Rouzic; Auditors will be accepted...Enjoy it !! Attached to this email, you will find the form to submit officially to the Tournament and the official rules. PLEASE !!!!! LET ME KNOW IF YOU WILL BE WITH US BEFORE APRIL 20 !!!!! This date, because of the needs of our press office and our papery communication, (booklets, posters etc...) You will have plenty of time to communicate all the particulars of your duels later on. As I wrote you can send all the particular informations about your duel after that date, but please confirm your presence as soon as possible (and most of all before 20 April) by e-mail and/or by telephone (English and French speaking) because we are running out of time !!!! We will be accepting late inscription forms but they won't appear on official programs...and that's a pity... Please, even if you're a old coming Academy, refer to me every question you will have concerning the Tournament and Travels and logistic etc.... As you can see on the inscription form that I'm sending you attached to this mail you can bring from ONE to TWO couples of duelists. As every year the international jury will be formed by european masters and skilled professionals of this magnificent world. A new Internet site English/Italian is running: www.feriemedievali.com, so please be patient for another two or three days for translations to be done and still refer to it as you find news about the event and links to the national and international tournaments. So, fill the form as soon as possible! Send it to me and if you want it call me and/or write a short message (sms). ATTACHMENTS: Rules of the tournament - participation forms - last year classifications Looking forward to see you again or... For the first time !!! Best regards to all of you !!! Your favorite Herald and Technical Director of the Tournament Daniel Lucca For every informations and questions please contact me at every hour Daniel Lucca Mobile +39 347 8758362 (French and English speaking) E-mail: danlucca@email.it (If you know italian then read the following program of the entire event but if you don't I will translate it for you tonight... ![]() Ferie Medievali 2009 15° Edizione (dedicata ai 760 anni del Comune di Pavone C.se) 23 - 29 - 30 - 31 Maggio 1 – 2 Giugno Sabato 23 Maggio 2009 Ore 20,00 Campo d’ armi – Oratorio Grande Convivio Medioevale Suggestiva cena d’ altri tempi nell’ atmosfera di un campo d’ armi. Una festa nella festa, uno spettacolo nello spettacolo con giocolieri, musici, giullari, streghe e folletti … Al desco giungono numerose pietanze sontuosamente decorate, preparate da abili cuochi, scalchi e trincianti per onorare il Vescovo - Conte Palaynus, il Console, i nobili, le dame e i cavalieri nell’ Antico Borgo convenuti. Su prenotazione Ore 22,00 Piazza del Comune Spettacoli medioevali con giocolieri, cavalieri, musici, mangiafuoco Venerdi 29 Maggio 2009 Dalle ore 14,30 Centro storico Solenne apertura delle “ Ferie Medievali 2008 “ Dalle ore 17,30 Museo d’ Andrade e Sala conferenze S. Marta Inaugurazione Mostre d’ Arte Ore 19,30 nell’ antico borgo e nei ricetti Apertura delle suggestive “ Taverne “ Ore 21,30 Piazza del Comune CONCERTO: “15 anni di Ferie Medievali” LA FESTA HA INIZIO…SI BALLA IRLANDESE !!!! FBA FEREBANDAPERTA Sabato 30 Maggio 2009 Dalle 10,00 Stage di cornamusa con i Maestri Alberto Massi e Bruno Le Rouzic (F) in collaborazione con il Bagpipe Italian Group Per info Alessandro: 348 09 02 808 Ore 15.00 Sala Conferenze Santa Marta XI Convegno Medioevo in Ivrea ed in Canavese Ore 15,30 Sala Consigliare Incontro con i gruppi partecipanti al XII Torneo di Duello Storico Nazionale e al VI Torneo Internazionale “ Furor et Ferrum “ Piazza del Comune Prima sessione del XII Torneo Nazionale di Duello Storico Ore 19,30 Apertura delle suggestive “ Taverne “ Dalle ore 20,00 fino a tarda sera - Spettacoli itineranti nelle piazze e nelle vie Ore 22,00 P.za del Comune Rievocazione Storica (Gruppo di rievocazione e Tamburi e Chiarine de Ij Ruset Spettacoli teatrali e di animazione medioevale con giullari, cavalieri, giocolieri, musici e danzatrici Veglia al campo d’ arme Domenica 31 Maggio 2009 Dal mattino a tarda notte Ricostruzione dell’ antico Borgo con mestieri, bancarelle, esposizioni e spettacoli itineranti Apertura delle “ Taverne “ Nella mattinata Stage di cornamusa Incontro con le autorità Civili e religiose e Messa solenne con le rappresentanze dei Gruppi Storici Rievocazione storica del “ giuramento di fedeltà “ del Console al Vescovo Palaynus Dalle 14.00 fino a tarda sera Spettacoli medievali itineranti in tutte le vie e nelle piazze Piazza del Comune Seconda sessione del XII Torneo Nazionale di Duello Storico VI Torneo Internazionale di Duello Storico “ Furor et Ferrum “ Corteo storico e cerimoniali Rassegna di chiarine e tamburi medioevali – Memorial “ Costantino Garda” Premiazione dei Vincitori del Torneo Nazionale ed Internazionale di duello storico Premio di partecipazione ai gruppi per la rassegna “ Chiarine e tamburi medioevali” Dalle 22,30 Celebrazione dei Vincitori sotto le mura del maestoso Castello con gli artisti presenti alle Ferie Medievali Lunedì 1 giugno 2009 Ore 19.00 Piazza del comune Apertura Banchi Gastronomici Ore 21.00 SOTTO IL CIELO DI PAVONE Spettacoli e concerti in tutto il paese Martedì 2 giugno 2009 Prato Dè Fuori Mura (accanto campo sportivo) Ore 11.00 Apertura Banchi Gastronomici Ore 15.00 Giostra Equestre con Cavalieri, Duellanti, Arcieri e Falconieri Ore 18.30 Cerimonia di chiusura delle 15° Ferie Medievali A seguire: CONCERTO IN PIAZZA! SI BALLA OCCITANO!!!
Date de publication : 14/04/2009 13:32